We offer a full line of Pre-Fabricated Mausoleums as well as Custom Designed
Family Mausoleums to fit any budget.
Everlasting Remembrance: Distinctively designed personal mausoleums provide exclusive
above-ground entombment. Though mausoleums were once reserved for only the wealthy, they are now an affordable option
for everyone. Monuments By Riverside produces mausoleums with the highest quality granite available. A Private
Estate Mausoleum from Monuments By Riverside will eternally reflect a
successful life well lived.
A Wise Investment Choice: Purchasing a Private Estate Mausoleum from Monuments
By Riverside allows you to make a sensible, planned investment, ensuring one less major decision at a time of great stress
and emotion. By purchasing your Private Estate Mausoleum before the need arises, you reduce estate taxes, eliminate
the need for other memorials and avoid costly vaults and expenses of underground burial. All of these factors combine
to make the cost of above ground mausoleum entombment comparable to that of traditional burial.
Choose a pre-constructed one to six-crypt mausoleum to memorialize an individual or an entire family. These affordable
units are delivered to your cemetery site
pre-assembled and ready for placement. They provide priviate, permanent security
and protection from the elements.
Custom Designed Mausoleums
Comprehensive architectural design and intricate personalized symbols add magnificent beauty to a
customized designed
Private Estate Family Mausoleum. These handsome buildings attest to the character, success and achievement of an individual
or family. A lifetime of accomplishments can be captured for posterity in these elegant granite buildings. A custom
designed mausoleum truly exalts the prestige of the family for whom it stands.