unveiling is a mourning ritual which serves a
very specific function in the healing process
of the bereaved at the end of several stages
(funeral, Shiva: 7 day period; Shloshim:30 day period; and for a parent
an additional 10
months period) but provides mourners with the
opportunity for emotional and psychological
physical act of erecting and unveiling a
monument allows for the expression of the sad
and painful emotions of grief. Family members
gather together, often from cities which are
miles apart, and continue their mourning as a
family, lending each other comfort and support
in dealing with their grief.
individuals who were not able to attend the
funeral or Shiva, the unveiling ritual provides
yet another opportunity to grieve and to
acknowledge one’s loss. Although painful,
this realistic experience of grief can, over
time, be very healing for mourners.
the unveiling of a monument, as one sees the
name of a beloved family member etched in
stone, there is a stark realization of the
finality of death. The impact can be quite
jarring to some, and yet, at the same time, can
provide a further opportunity to accept the
reality of the loss. Thus, the unveiling ritual
allows mourners to face death and loss
realistically, and to affirm a commitment to
life and to living.
unveiling also allows the bereaved family
members to honor and to recall the memory of
their departed. It is a chance to continue to
reflect upon the significance of that
person’s life, his or her accomplishments,
and the people who were important. In a sense,
through the unveiling, the memory of a
person’s life is etched permanently into the
collective memory of the Jewish community
service for the unveiling of a monument is a
short and simple one. It consists of:
recitation Psalm 23 or any other
Psalm. See
of the veil from the memorial.
now fondly dedicate this monument (plaque)
to the blessed memory of (name) realizing
that his (her) remains lie not only in this
plot of ground but in every heart his (her)
life did touch. We are grateful for
the years we were privileged to share with
him (her) - years when he (she) brought us
so many pleasures and taught us so very much
by example. And
even though he (she) has left our midst, we
know he (she) will never leave our hearts
where his (her) memory will endure as a
blessing forever.
a few words commemorating the life of the
dearly departed person.
recitation of the Kel Maleh Rachamim (the
Prayer of Mercy) See Below
See Below:
A Minyan (a
gathering of 10 Jewish adults) is required
for the recitation of Kaddish; however, if
there is no Minyan available, the Kaddish is
At the unveiling it is certainly appropriate for a family
member to read a supplemental poem or prayer.
Many choose to appoint an officiating rabbi to
conduct the unveiling, however, this is not
Psalm 23
A Psalm
of David
Mizmor ledhavidh Adonay
ro`iy lo' 'echsar
bin'othdeshe' yarbiytseniy `al-mey menuchoth
naphshiy yeshobhebhyanch�niy
bhema`geley-tsedheq lema`an shemo
gam kiy-'elekh beghey'tsalmaveth lo'-'iyra' ra`
kiy-'attah `immadhiy shibhthekha
umish`antekhahemmah yenachamuniy
ta`arokh lephanay shulchan neghedh
tsoreraydishantabhashemen ro'shiy kosiy
'akh thobh vachesedh yirdephuniykol-yemey
chayyay veshabhtiy bebheyth-Adonay le'orekh
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD

v'yiskadash sh'mei rabbaw (Cong. Amein).
May His great Name grow exalted and
sanctified (Cong. Amen.)

B'allmaw dee v'raw chir'usei
in the world that He created as He

v'yamlich malchusei,b'chayeichon,
May He give reign to His kingship in
your lifetimes and in your days,

uv'chayei d'chol beis yisroel,
and in the lifetimes of the entire
Family of Israel,

ba'agawlaw u'vizman kawriv, v'imru:
swiftly and soon. Now respond: Amen.

(Cong: Amein. Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw
m'vawrach l'allam u'l'allmei allmayaw)
(Cong Amen. May His great Name be
blessed forever and ever.)

Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw m'vawrach l'allam
u'l'allmei allmayaw.
May His great Name be blessed forever
and ever.

Yis'bawrach, v'yishtabach,
v'yispaw'ar, v'yisromam, v'yis'nasei,
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted,

v'yis'hadar, v'yis'aleh, v'yis'halawl
sh'mei d'kudshaw b'rich hu
mighty, upraised, and lauded be the Name
of the Holy One, Blessed is He

(Cong. b'rich hu).
(Cong. Blessed is He)

L'aylaw min kol birchawsaw
beyond any blessing and song,

tush'b'chawsaw v'nechemawsaw,
da'ami'rawn b'all'maw, v'imru: Amein
praise and consolation that are uttered
in the world. Now respond: Amen.

(Cong. Amein).
(Cong. Amen).

Y'hei shlawmaw rabbaw min
May there be abundant peace from Heaven,
and life

awleinu v'al kol yisroel, v'imru:
upon us and upon all Israel. Now
respond: Amen.

(Cong. Amein).
(Cong. Amen).

Oseh shawlom bim'ro'mawv, hu ya'aseh
He Who makes peace in His heights, may
He make peace,

awleinu v'al kol yisroel v'imru:
upon us and upon all Israel. Now
respond: Amen.

(Cong. Amein).
(Cong. Amen).
Maleh Rachamim - Prayer for the Soul of
the Departed
For a Man:
and Transliteration:
full of compassion, Who dwells on high,
grant true rest upon the wings of the
Shechinah (Divine Presence), in the
exalted spheres of the holy and pure,
who shine as the resplendence of the
firmament, to the soul of
his Hebrew name and that of his father)
has gone to his [supernal] world, for
charity has been donated in remembrance
of his soul; may his place of rest be in
Gan Eden.
Therefore, may the All-Merciful One
shelter him with the cover of His wings
forever, and bind his soul in the bond
of life. The Lord is his heritage; may
he rest in his resting-place in peace;
and let us say: Amen.
a Woman:
and Transliteration:
G-d, full of compassion, Who dwells on
high, grant true rest upon the wings of
the Shechinah (Divine Presence), in the
exalted spheres of the holy and pure,
who shine as the resplendence of the
firmament, to the soul of
her Hebrew name and that of her father)
has gone to her [supernal] world, for
charity has been donated in remembrance
of her soul; may her place of rest be in
Gan Eden. Therefore, may the
All-Merciful One shelter her with the
cover of her wings forever, and bind her
soul in the bond of life. The Lord is
her heritage; may she rest in her
resting-place in peace; and let us say: